Bluewater Yachts was founded by blue water sailors. We own and sail the boats we build. Call us crazy, but we loved our Frers designed 56 so much - we built our boats and then bought the mold and started BLUEWATER YACHTS.
We have made her better, with an optional hard dodger, shown here, and we continue to work with leaders in the industry to offer better materials and build methods. We love this proven design. She is fast, sure-footed and comfortable.
If bigger is better better for you, check out our new 60 foot beauty. Below the waterline, choose a deep draft fixed keel, or a shallower draft keel-centerboard - each with independent molds for optimal hull shape.
So, make a boat drink, explore our galleries, and let us know what you'd like us to add to YOUR dream yacht.
We know you will love our yachts as much as we do. WELCOME ABOARD!